Interprofessional Clinical Debate (IPCD) Competition


IPCD Debate is a one-day competitive event where interdisciplinary and diverse healthcare providers, scientists, and students debate about controversial health topics that could exist in multiple healthcare settings. IPCD Debating enhances articulation, critical thinking, and decisions based on literature evaluation. Furthermore, it fosters greater empathy and emotional control. The primary goal of this activity is to develop skills and competencies in critical thinking by comparing and contrasting two viewpoints on a particular topic, verifying the value of the evidence, resolving controversies, and recognizing the strengths and weaknesses of arguments.

Who can participate?

This competition is open to physicians, pharmacists, nurses, dietitians, allied health practitioners, epidemiology and public health specialists, quality improvement administrators, health institution decision-makers, and all healthcare providers, scientists, and students who have the ambition to create a positive impact on the IPCD environment, regardless of the background.
Join us if you would like to discuss, share and explore your skills and competencies in supporting evidence-based ethical dilemmas arising in various healthcare sectors.

Individual or group registration?

Registration is open for individuals or groups, considering that healthcare providers of different backgrounds may be combined to build a team. One team may constitute a minimum of one participant and a maximum of three.

How can I win?

Although the competition’s primary goal is to improve search skills and use scientific evidence, the winning teams will be awarded. Winners will be selected by a judging panel based on the criteria, including presentation style, clarity and organization of data presented, level of evidence used and skillful method in an argument, use of cross-examination, and rebuttal.

Topics for Debate:

Topics to be debated include clinical and diagnostic issues, pharmacy, nursing, and nutrition-related issues, and prevention and public health issues in diabetes.
Four topics will be debated.
1. Experts debate the association of SGLT2I and amputations as data emerge
2. GLP-1 receptor agonists or SGLT2 inhibitors as first-line therapy.

  1. 3. Obesity vs. glycemic control as a primary target for treating T2DM; ‘Inevitable’ or not?
    4. Telehealth in diabetes vs. current practice or high efficiency vs. personal connection: experts debate the future of telemedicine.
  2. 5. Using inhaled insulin vs. injectable insulin/ oral hypoglycemics to manage DM.
Conditions and Procedures:

1. All participants should register for the conference before 6th of March, 2023.
2. Participants must attend the competition day physically or virtually on the assigned day of debate.
3. The electronic application must be submitted maximum by March 2nd, 2023 – 11:59 pm.
4. Please note that only electronic submissions will be considered.
5. Notification of acceptance will be sent to the participant on 3rd of March, 2023.
6. Each team may be composed of one participant up to three.
7. Each debate session will be between two teams and will not exceed 30 minutes in total.
8. Withdrawal of participation can only be accepted if notified by email within five days of acceptance notification.
9. Each team will select one representative to share evidence according to the required part giving a chance for each member to share a challenging rationale for their opinion.

Debate elements

1. Provision of data supporting strong evidence on the selected topic.
2. Counteracting biased data that indicate a current interest.

IPCD Debate Procedures:

1. Opening arguments presented by each side (5 minutes per team)
2. Rebuttal/ Questions led by moderator (10 minutes)
3. Preparation for conclusion with teams (3 minutes)
4. Closing arguments presented by each team (3 minutes per team)


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