  1. The Five-minute Innovation Platform (5MI) Competition
    “ICPRE Mini-Hackathon”


It is a three-day event (two-day pre-conference online program and one-day pitching) that allows anyone to share creative ideas, solutions to contemporary issues, or unique personal experiences useful for the medical and health sciences community and solves a healthcare challenge. In addition to being exposed to new issues and perspectives, participants will be challenged in exciting new ways to spark the curiosity of “Preve_Therapeutics” learners and encourage talented students, practitioners and innovators to achieve their ambition of enhancing the health of society. Participants can present a novel idea and demonstrate a novel talent/skill, address criticism and limitation to diabetes guidelines and best practices that are not optimal for our patients, and challenge the one-size-fits-all approach to patient care.

You are invited to submit an innovative and impactful idea, to share unique experiences, and to present novel practices and solutions implemented in the healthcare institutes through the 5MI competition in ICPRE 2023: “Envisioning the Prospects of Prevention and Therapeutics in Diabetes” on Friday and Saturday, 10th – 11th of March 2023. ICPRE 2023 is the place where innovative and creative ideas are nurtured. We aim to reshape healthcare professions by exploring, scaling, and publicizing novel ideas and skills. To submit an idea, please read all of the instructions below.

Who can participate?

Anyone with talent, skills, novel ideas, or solutions related to health fields is welcome to participate in this insight-led innovation platform. The platform is open to all students, employees, and retired people who want to positively impact life, regardless of their backgrounds (medical, engineering, IT, business, and entrepreneurship, ambitious students, professionals, new graduates, university instructors, or administrators).

You do not need to have any full solution to new ideas to join, as all you need to bring is your enthusiasm and energy! Join us if you have an idea that facilitates procedures, tackles health problems, and develops innovative healthcare and biomedical solutions. Also, you can join us and share your experience and expertise in any field, even if you don’t have a completely developed idea.

How can I win?

The top four ideas will be awarded. However, it is not about winning – it is about learning, having fun, and starting innovative solutions for health sciences challenges. Winners will be chosen based on the following criteria: problem definition, innovation and originality, practicality, technical complexity, impact, and business potential. More details can be found in the judging criteria below.

Participant tracks:

Track 1: Patient safety and education: This track focuses on patients’ safety and improving awareness.

Track 2: Internet of things, devices, Apps and other assistive technologies: This track focuses on how to adopt the internet as a tool in the management of diabetes and on enlightening diabetic patients’ life with creative ideas on how to deliver care safely and effectively.

Track 3: Cost-effective solution and Supply chain management: It is well-known that the total annual cost of diabetes is   $327 billion, and requires constant supply and medication accessibility.  Together we can make a difference. This track focuses on how to make diabetes care more cost-effective. and focuses on how to manage supply chain related to medications, devices, and food. 

Tack 4: Create your own track!: If your idea doesn’t fit in the available tracks, don’t worry! In this track, any innovative idea regarding healthcare issues is accepted. The idea also may address criticism and limitation to diabetes guidelines and best practices that are not optimal for our patients and challenge the one-size-fits-all approach to patient care.

Individual or group registration?
  1. 1. Registration is not limited to individual participation; teams may be composed of two participants or more.
  2. 2. Please verify the email address of the leading author; it will be used for contacting participants after the review process.
  3. 3. Idea submitters must consent to the Policies of Five-minute Innovation (5MI) Platform Submission.
  4. 4. The scientific committee of ICPRE reserves the right to exclude any idea from the competition.
General condition:
  1. 1. Presentations should not exceed 5 minutes.
  2. 2. Ideas must be submitted maximum by March 2nd, 2023 – 11:59 PM.
  3. 3. Notification of Acceptance/Rejection will be given on 3rd of March, 2023.
  4. 4. The leading participant should register for the conference before 6th of March 2023.
  5. 5. Demonstrating/Presenting novel skills or ideas should be related and beneficial to practice, research, industry, regulatory affairs, community service, public health, or the learning/teaching community. Participants can address challenges in biomedical sciences or present a healthcare problem and try to tackle it in an innovative and potential healthcare solution.
  6. 6. After pitching your idea, the expert panel may ask questions and provide verbal feedback.
  7. 7. Idea presenters must choose the way of presentation delivery in the registration form either to physically dilate their idea on the platform (podium presentation) OR virtually deliver a live presentation.
  8. 8. Presenters can use any material or visual artworks to support their presentation, such as posters, drawings, simulations, design, crafts, photography, instrumental expression, video, and short filmmaking.
  9. 9. Withdrawal of participation can only be accepted if notified by email. It is possible to withdraw within five days of receiving the acceptance notification.
  10. 10. There are no limitations on the number of ideas that a student can submit.
  11. 11. Participants are highly encouraged to attend the pre-conference online program to enhance and sharpen their final pitch.
  12. 12. There will be a mentor to guide you and help you to write your proposal.
  13. 13. During the program, individual participants may be placed in groups (if they want) to work in interdisciplinary teams to tackle health problems and develop an innovative healthcare solution.
  14. 14. Groups will be trained to pitch their ideas to mentors in the first two days virtually. On the third day, groups will pitch their ideas to an expert panel.
  15. 15. Suppose you do not feel technology confident, NO worry! All with different experiences are welcomed, and mentors with technology coaches and IT experts will guide you through the session on design thinking, technology, and innovation.
Content of your ideas:
  1. 1. You may briefly describe your idea (e.g., the definition of the problem, proposed solution, and methods of implementation using STAR format).
  2. 2. The idea text body is limited to 2250 characters, including space (around 325 words).
  3. 3. You may briefly describe ideas about unique experiences and novel practices implemented in your institute using the following STAR format of idea summary (Situation, Task, Action, Result).
    1.      a. Situation: Set the scene by briefly describing the situation, challenge, or event you faced.
    2.      b. Task: Explain what roles and responsibilities were done or should be done.
    3.      c. Action: Describe what steps you took or should be taken to overcome the challenge or address the situation.
    4.      d. Result: Share what you achieved or could be achieved through your actions.
Language of the content:

Ideas summaries may be submitted in Arabic or English form using the online submission form.

  1. 1. Top four winners will be honored in the final ceremony.
  2. 2. Winners will be chosen by a panel of renowned experts.
  3. 3. Certificates will be distributed to all individual participants.

The final evaluation will be based on the following criteria:

1. Problem definition
2. Novelty and originality
3. Practicality
4. Clarity of the idea
5. Potential Impact
6. Presentation skills


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